Discover the Best: Top-rated Olive Oils of the Year

As the culinary world continues to embrace the rich flavors and health benefits of olive oil, connoisseurs and casual consumers alike are on the lookout for the finest selections. Our comprehensive review uncovers the top-rated olive oils of the year, providing insights into the best products for your kitchen. From the robust and unfiltered to the smoothly refined, explore the exceptional quality and taste that these olive oils bring to the table.

Key Takeaways

  • Paesanol Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil has been recognized as the best extra virgin olive oil, distinguished by its exceptional quality and taste.
  • The runner-up, Graza Sizzle, and the honorable mention, 365 Whole Foods Market, also showcase the high standards and diversity of excellent olive oils available.
  • Our selection process is rigorous and transparent, focusing on sensory evaluation and expert judgement to ensure reliability in our recommendations.
  • Organic farming practices and overcoming harvest challenges are central themes among top producers, contributing to the superior quality of their olive oils.
  • The COOC’s 16th Annual Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition results are integral to our review, reflecting a commitment to excellence and authenticity in the industry.

The Cream of the Crop: Award-Winning Olive Oils

Best Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Paesanol Unfiltered

In the quest to crown the finest extra virgin olive oil of the year, Paesanol Unfiltered emerges as the undisputed champion. Its exceptional quality sets it apart, with a blend of Sicilian olives that are cold-pressed within hours of harvest, ensuring maximum freshness and flavor.

  • Color: Nice olive green
  • Scent: Nutty and herbaceous
  • Texture: Smooth and buttery
  • Flavor Notes: Grassy

This oil’s vibrant green hue and complex aroma won the hearts of our tasters, making it their top choice. While it may be slightly more challenging to locate in stores, the search is well worth the effort for this culinary gem.

Paesanol Unfiltered is not just an oil; it’s a testament to the art of olive oil making, capturing the essence of the olives in every bottle.

Runner-Up: Graza Sizzle

Graza Sizzle, a newcomer to the olive oil scene, quickly captured the hearts of culinary enthusiasts with its innovative packaging and exceptional quality. Boldly redefining convenience, the brand’s signature squeeze bottles have set a new trend in the industry.

Despite its recent debut in 2022, Graza Sizzle has already established a loyal following. Its popularity is not just about the packaging; the oil itself is a testament to the brand’s commitment to quality, earning it the runner-up spot in this year’s selection.

The essence of Graza Sizzle lies in its ability to enhance the culinary experience, offering a balance of flavor and purity that complements any dish.

Explore the top 9 olive oils for culinary enthusiasts, featuring exceptional flavors, purity, and health benefits. From tradition to gourmet options, enhance your cooking with the best olive oils.

Honorable Mention: 365 Whole Foods Market

The 365 Whole Foods Market Unfiltered Extra Virgin California Olive Oil stands out for its chartreuse color and distinctive taste profile. A mere two points separated it from our runner-up, highlighting its high quality and the close competition among top-tier olive oils.

  • Made with California-grown olives
  • Described as "incredibly smooth with a slight bite at the back"
  • Flavor opinions varied among tasters

This olive oil’s robust flavor profile may be polarizing, but it’s a testament to the diverse palates and preferences that make the world of premium olive oil so rich and exciting.

As we explore the world of premium olive oil from grove to table, we delve into the nuances of artisanal production, the sensory journey of tasting, and the olive oil’s role in enhancing lifestyle and wellness.

Behind the Scenes: How We Select the Top Olive Oils

Criteria for Judging Quality

When it comes to discerning the finest olive oils, our evaluation process is meticulous and multi-dimensional. Tasters rate each olive oil on a scale from one to five across four key criteria: look, smell, texture, and flavor. These aspects are critical in determining the overall quality and sensory appeal of the olive oil.

  • Look: The clarity and color of the oil.
  • Smell: The aroma and bouquet.
  • Texture: The mouthfeel and viscosity.
  • Flavor: The taste profile and aftertaste.

In addition to these sensory evaluations, we also consider the harvest date of the olive oil, which indicates its freshness. Oils without a clear harvest date are not considered, as this is a vital indicator of an oil’s quality.

Our selection is not influenced by brand visibility or discussions among tasters. The scoring is conducted independently to ensure an unbiased verdict.

The final judgment also includes whether the tasters would personally purchase the olive oil, adding a practical dimension to the assessment.

The Importance of Harvest Dates

Understanding the harvest date of olive oil is crucial for discerning its freshness and flavor profile. Typically, olives are harvested and crushed from late October to mid-December in the Northern Hemisphere, with the resulting oils arriving in the United States by February or March. In contrast, the Southern Hemisphere sees harvests from late April to mid-June.

Early harvest olive oils offer premium quality with rich flavor, health benefits, and lower acidity. The terroir and pressing process also play significant roles in shaping the unique flavors that are celebrated in gourmet cuisine.

Producers may indicate a "Use By" date on their products, suggesting optimal freshness. However, the actual taste and quality of the oil are less likely to diminish over time unless the bottle is opened and the oil is exposed to oxygen.

When selecting an olive oil, consider the harvest date to ensure you are experiencing the oil at its peak quality and flavor.

Understanding Olive Oil Labels

Navigating the plethora of olive oil options on store shelves can be daunting. Understanding the labels is crucial to selecting a quality product. A key piece of information is the harvest date, which indicates the freshness of the oil, as opposed to a vague ‘best by’ date.

Labels often lack critical details, leaving consumers in the dark about the oil’s origin and olive variety. This lack of transparency can lead to purchasing oils that are less fresh or even misleadingly marketed.

Here’s a quick guide to deciphering olive oil labels:

  • Harvest Date: Look for a specific picking date, not just a ‘best by’ date.
  • Origin: Verify the actual production region, not just the brand’s country.
  • Olive Variety: Some labels specify the type of olives used, which can affect flavor profiles.
  • Certifications: Look for quality seals like PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) or organic certifications.

Remember, a well-informed choice leads to a better tasting experience and supports ethical production practices.

The Olive Oil Tasting Experience

Sensory Evaluation: Look, Smell, Texture, and Flavor

In the world of olive oil, sensory evaluation is a critical step in determining quality. Tasters assess the oil’s clarity, color, aroma, consistency, and taste to ensure each bottle meets the high standards expected by connoisseurs. The look of the oil can range from a vibrant green to a golden yellow, indicating freshness and the type of olives used.

The smell should be fresh and reminiscent of olives, without any off-putting odors. Texture is evaluated by the oil’s viscosity and mouthfeel, with a premium on smoothness without greasiness. Flavor is perhaps the most complex, with high-quality oils exhibiting a balance of fruitiness, bitterness, and pungency.

The tasting process is not just about identifying the best; it’s about experiencing the journey from grove to table.

Here’s a quick guide to the sensory attributes:

  • Look: Clarity and color
  • Smell: Freshness and fruitiness
  • Texture: Viscosity and mouthfeel
  • Flavor: Balance of fruitiness, bitterness, and pungency

Each attribute plays a vital role in the overall perception of the olive oil, and only those that excel in all categories make it to our top-rated list.

Tasters’ Verdicts: Ratings and Recommendations

Our tasters, a blend of food professionals and extra virgin olive oil enthusiasts, embarked on a sensory journey to rate the olive oils. Each oil was evaluated blindly, ensuring impartiality and a focus on the sensory elegance and nutritional benefits. The ratings were based on four key criteria: look, smell, texture, and flavor, with each criterion scored from 1 (No, thanks) to 5 (Yes, Please!).

The unanimous consensus was clear: quality shines through in the subtleties of aroma and the complexity of flavor.

The final verdicts were not influenced by brand recognition, as the identities of the oils were concealed until after the scoring. Here’s a snapshot of the aggregated scores:

Criteria Average Score
Look 4.2
Smell 4.5
Texture 4.3
Flavor 4.6

Would our tasters stock their pantries with these olive oils? The answer was a resounding yes, with many eager to incorporate these top-rated selections into their culinary repertoire.

The Profile of a Winner: Tasting Notes on Paesanol Unfiltered

Paesanol Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil stands out not only for its exceptional quality but also for its unique sensory profile. Nearly half of all tasters voted it as their top pick, highlighting its distinct characteristics. Made from a blend of Sicilian olive varieties, this olive oil is a testament to the art of olive oil making.

The oil’s color is a vibrant olive green, indicative of its freshness and quality. Its consistency is notably thicker, allowing for a full-bodied experience that truly coats the tongue.

Tasters describe the aroma as nutty and herbaceous, with a flavor profile that is both grassy and buttery, yet smooth. This combination of traits makes Paesanol a standout in the culinary world, with one taster remarking it could grace the tables of expensive restaurants.

Tasting Highlights:

  • Nice olive green color
  • Smooth and buttery with grassy notes
  • Top pick of four tasters!

While it may be slightly harder to find in stores, Paesanol Unfiltered is a choice that promises to elevate any dish it accompanies.

The Producers’ Perspective: Organic Practices and Harvest Challenges

Organic Farming and Olive Oil Quality

The meticulous care in organic farming is a cornerstone for producing high-quality olive oils. Organic practices ensure that the olive trees grow in a chemical-free environment, which not only benefits the ecosystem but also enhances the oil’s flavor profile and health benefits.

Olive oil connoisseurs often note that organic oils have a more vibrant taste and a richer array of polyphenols, which are natural antioxidants beneficial for health. The dedication to organic methods, such as the use of compost and optimized irrigation, is evident in the superior taste and increased polyphenol content in each drop of extra virgin olive oil.

The commitment to organic farming is not just about the end product, but also about the sustainable management of the land and the well-being of the farming communities.

Here’s a glimpse into the organic practices that contribute to the exceptional quality of olive oil:

  • Pruning of olive trees to promote healthy growth
  • Application of organic compost to enrich the soil
  • Careful management of irrigation to conserve water
  • Avoidance of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers

These practices are not only labor-intensive but also require a deep understanding of the land and the olive trees. The result is an olive oil that stands out not just for its taste, but for its contribution to a healthier planet.

Overcoming Adverse Conditions: A Producer’s Tale

In the face of adverse conditions, olive oil producers demonstrate resilience and adaptability. The dedication to quality is unwavering, even when unexpected challenges arise, such as changes to production lines or the need to embrace new tools. Producers like Sirvent, who faced a significant shift in their production process, liken it to learning to drive a racing car in the midst of competition.

The journey to excellence is marked by a continuous learning curve, with each harvest bringing its own set of trials and triumphs.

The collective effort of family-owned operations, their collaboration with master millers, and the support from the community culminate in award-winning blends. These achievements are not just a testament to hard work but also to the expertise and sensory exploration that goes into creating premium olive oil. The process emphasizes sustainability, traceability, and tradition, with meticulous techniques and a cold extraction process that highlight aroma, texture, and flavor profiles.

Here’s a glimpse at the accolades earned by one such producer:

Year Awards Won Notable Achievements
2018 6 Jumped into farming
2019 8 Improved techniques
2020 12 Hand-harvest, pesticide-free

Winning awards is not only about gaining visibility but also about the recognition from a jury of esteemed experts, validating the producer’s hard work and know-how. As one Southern California producer expressed, the excitement of winning is coupled with the satisfaction of having improved over the years, despite the challenges.

Celebrating the Harvest: Community and Family in Olive Oil Production

The harvest season is not just a time of labor but a celebration of community and family traditions. The culmination of a year’s hard work, the harvest brings together individuals who share a passion for producing premium olive oil. From the meticulous care of the olive trees to the joyous gathering of friends and family, each bottle captures the essence of this communal effort.

The journey from harvest to bottle is marked by dedication and expertise. It’s a period where every decision impacts the final taste and quality of the olive oil.

The pride of the producers is palpable as they overcome challenges such as adverse weather conditions and labor-intensive processes. Their commitment is reflected in the culinary applications, health benefits, and customer acclaim that their olive oils receive. Celebrations are not just about the current harvest but also about setting a benchmark for global excellence, with Turkish, Greek, and Australian olive oils standing out in the industry.

Why Our Recommendations Are Reliable

The COOC’s 16th Annual Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition

The 16th Annual COOC Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition has once again set the stage for celebrating the finest Californian olive oils. With a focus on the 2023 harvest season, the competition awarded the prestigious Best of Show to The Ranch at Birch Creek for their Italian Blend.

Best in Class and other accolades were distributed among various categories, reflecting the diversity and quality of the state’s produce. The COOC Board of Directors extended their congratulations to all winners, emphasizing the commitment of COOC members to crafting exceptional extra virgin olive oils.

The COOC competition is a testament to the dedication of California’s olive oil producers, who adhere to the highest standards of quality.

Top olive oil awards like NYIOOC, Mario Solinas, Athena, and LA International recognize excellence. Criteria include flavor, aroma, texture, color, acidity, and chemical composition for premium olive oils.

Expertise and Experience: Why You Can Trust Our Judgement

Our team’s dedication to excellence is reflected in our rigorous selection process, which is informed by years of industry experience and a deep understanding of the olive oil landscape. We pride ourselves on our ability to discern the subtle nuances that distinguish a good olive oil from a great one.

  • Our panel includes seasoned tasters with professional certifications.
  • We maintain a pulse on global olive oil trends and innovations.
  • Our methodology is comprehensive, considering factors from farm to bottle.

Our commitment to impartiality ensures that only the finest olive oils receive our recommendation.

The trust we’ve built with our readers is not taken lightly; it is earned through a transparent and methodical approach that prioritizes quality and authenticity above all.

Transparency and Independence in Our Selection Process

At the heart of our selection process lies a commitment to transparency and independence. Our team is dedicated to providing unbiased recommendations, free from external influences or conflicts of interest. We ensure that our evaluations are conducted with the utmost integrity, offering our readers the confidence they need when choosing an olive oil.

Criteria for selection are clear and consistent, applied equally to all candidates. This approach allows us to maintain a level playing field, where each olive oil stands on its own merits:

  • Comprehensive sensory analysis
  • Verification of quality certifications
  • Analysis of producer’s ethical and sustainable practices

Our mission is to illuminate the finest olive oils the world has to offer, not just in terms of flavor, but also in the values they embody.

By adhering to these principles, we are able to explore the world of olive oil across continents, from producer spotlights to culinary trends, business challenges, and health benefits. Our article series, ‘Elevating Elixirs: Comparing the Profiles of the Best Olive Oils Across Continents’, is a testament to our dedication to quality and authenticity.

At, we pride ourselves on providing expertly curated content that guides you through the world of premium olive oils. Our recommendations are backed by thorough research and a deep understanding of the culinary and health benefits of extra virgin olive oil. We invite you to explore our articles, such as ‘TASTE THE DIFFERENCE: HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL FOR YOUR KITCHEN’ and ‘ELEVATING THE GASTRONOMY GAME: FINE DINING OLIVE OIL EXPLORED’, to discover the luxurious taste and quality that set our selections apart. Trust our expertise and elevate your culinary experiences by visiting our website today!


As we wrap up our exploration of the top-rated olive oils of the year, it’s clear that the quest for the perfect extra virgin olive oil is both a science and an art. From the meticulous selection of the finest olives to the careful monitoring of the harvest date, each winning brand has demonstrated a commitment to excellence that sets them apart. Whether it’s the robust flavor of Paesanol’s Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the runner-up Graza Sizzle, or the honorable mention of 365 Whole Foods Market’s California offering, these oils have earned their accolades through a blend of organic practices, family heritage, and sheer quality. As you drizzle, dip, or dress your next dish, remember the journey these oils have taken from grove to table, and the passionate producers who make it possible for us to savor the world’s best olive oils. Remember to check for harvest dates, trust the experts’ rigorous testing, and indulge in the flavors that have been celebrated by both connoisseurs and casual consumers alike.

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